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Reading Township Office of Open Records

Reading Township Office of Open Records

Right to Know

A Resolution of the Board of Supervisors, as Authorized by Pennsylvania's Right-to-Know Law, adopting a Policy and Form Establishing Procedures for Requesting Public Records.

The Right-to-Know Policy applies to all requests for public records made under Pennsylvania’s Right to Know Law, 65 P.S. §67.101, et seq.

Reading Township, Adams County, Pennsylvania Right to Know Request Form

Open Records Officer

A request for public records must be directed to the attention of the Township’s Open Records Officer. The Reading Township Board of Supervisors appoints its Township Secretary as the Township’s Open Records Officer. In the event that the Township Secretary is unable to serve in this office, the Township’s Administrative Assistant shall serve as the Township’s Open Records Officer. 

Manner of Submitting a Request

A request may be submitted to the Township’s Open Records Officer by United States mail, facsimile, electronic mail or in-person. 
Reading Township 
50 Church Road 
East Berlin, PA 17316 
Fax. (717) 624-7926 
readingtownship@comcast. net

RECEIPT OF A REQUEST – Normal Township business hours are: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Friday 8:00am to noon